Thursday, May 24, 2012

pictures from mother's day

My wonderful Auntie E (Aunt Amy) took some beautiful pictures on mother's day- she is an excellent photographer.  Here are a couple to share- it was a beautiful day in my mom and dad's backyard- Leif and I felt so lucky to be able to spend the day with both of our moms (and my nanie!!! and of course, the men, my auntie e, cousin mikey- basically we were lucky to have such wonderful company)  :)

I swear, the men did not drink all of that wine.... ;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Baby Carly is HOME!

Just a quick note for those who know about our friends Nikki & Francis.  Nikki had their daughter  Carly at 32 weeks- Carly picked her own birthday for sure.  She's been in the NICU since she was born on 4/20- strong and determined as can be.  Today little Miss Carly headed home!!! :)  She's beautiful and we're so happy for Nikki and Francis! :)

Leif and I in the midst of moving- we're slated to be in our new place next weekend!!  We promise to post pictures and more Abby stories and videos as soon as things have calmed down and we're settled. :)

Sending love to all!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Mother's Day Promise

This mother's day I have a year of motherhood under my belt.  Motherhood has been such an amazing journey- the surprises (like just how many outfits an infant can require for a day), the triumphs (Abby's first night sleeping through the night), the highs (the peace and comfort of a sleeping baby on your chest), the lows (spit up all over the outfits of mama and baby on a morning where we're already running 10 minutes late)- I have experienced so much in my 13 months of motherhood.  For mother's day this year, I wanted to write some promises to my dear daughter.

As your mommy, Abby, I promise:

1) I will never stop loving you.  No matter how naughty you've been, how frustrating a situation can be, or how heart-broken I can feel, I promise to never, not even for a second, stop loving you with all of my heart.  There is nothing that you could do to change that.

2) I will always believe in you and everything that you do and want to be.  Please never mistake my questioning for not believing- I just want to know more.

3) You will always be my baby.

4) No matter how big you've grown, there will always be a spot on my lap for you.

5) I will at some point tell a story about you that will embarrass you.  Please know that I know not what I do- I just love you so much- and I think that everything you do is note-worthy.

6) I will fight for you.  The love of a mother is fierce and burning.  I will fight with every inch of my being for you.

7) I will always make time to smell the flowers.  Though parenthood is unbelievably hectic at times, I promise to always take time to smell the flowers with you, to go for an evening stroll, spend a little extra time on the beach, camp a little longer in the tent, and be accountable to you.

8) I will try to not give you the reason, "because I said so".

9) You are beautiful- inside and out- and I will remind you of this beauty all the time- especially when you're a teenager.

10) I will take you traveling.  There is so much to see in the world- and I want to experience it and expand with you and your daddy.  We'll be a group of traveling fools together.  ;)

11) I will try to instill in you the most precious values that I know- gratitude, acceptance, strength, confidence, love, good faith, and patience.

12) I will always tell you I love you- even in front of your friends.  This may embarrass you at times but in the end, love gets us through it all- and there is no sentence more beautiful and reassuring than "I love you".

13) I will teach you my life essentials- how to do your laundry, wash the dishes, cook spaghetti, grow a plant from seed, sew a button back on, start and maintain a campfire (and assemble a tent), and how to laugh at yourself.

14) I will try to let you own just about any pet that you want- we'll have to discuss guinea pigs though- I just don't get them.

15) I will be there when you experience your first heart break.  Your grammy rocked me through the tears of mine, and I'll do the same for you.

16) I will teach you how to give.  I will do everything in my power to show you how to care for your fellow being.  What you put in to the world is returned to you ten-fold.

17) I will listen to you.  I will put down what I'm doing and actively engage in your conversation- I will try with all of my might to do this every time you want to tell me something.  Your words are important.

You and your daddy are oh so precious to me and I couldn't be happier to be your mom, Abigail Ann.  Thank you for making me a mother.  :)

I would also like to wish all of the mothers in my life a very happy mother's day- especially Leif and my moms- we couldn't do this without the two of you and we don't tell you that enough.  We love you both dearly and can't wait to celebrate mother's day with you! :)  xoxoxox

Monday, May 7, 2012

Abby's daycare put on a mother's day show on Friday.  This is one of a million reasons why we love this daycare center- their adorable shows that gather all of the parents together.  Abby's classroom had the theme "You are my sunshine."  All of the kids were dressed in painted onesies that read "You are my sunshine", they were strolled out to the song, and their stroller was decorated with clouds and suns.  They made lovely hand bouquets for us and poems with handprints as well.  It was so touching and our teachers did such a sweet job of making us moms feel loved and cherished.  It was particularly comical to see the difference that couple of months have made.  At the daycare's holiday show, Abby was quite content to sit on our laps and watch the rest of the classrooms perform.  This time around, I was sitting in a corner with a couple other moms from my classroom and all of our kids wanted to get down and walk around (and get in to everything!)  There was much squirming this time around.  We all laughed at the scene.

Here is a little video from the show- unfortunately Abby was sitting on the other side of the stroller so you can't see her but you get the picture. :)

Sending lots of love!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Running runs in her family...

This week Abby has learned how to run.  She must be feeling quite confident on her feet because boy can she run!  She runs around and around and around the apartment with the biggest grin on her darling face.  Track does run in her family- my dad and I both ran track.  I used to race my dad but have never beat him- not even once.  Looks like I need to pick running back up so I can do the same to Abby...  ;)