Friday, January 31, 2014


Abby is in preschool.  WHAT?!?!?!  BUT SHE'S STILL A BABY!  I know, I know.  I said the same thing.  ;)  The truth is, our girl is growing up too quickly but she is growing in to the most wonderful girl ever.  Abby started in her her class full-time a couple weeks ago.  Her new best is Sarah, two cubbies down from her cubby, and about 2 weeks older than Abby.  Evidently from the back, the teachers can barely tell the two apart.  :)  Abby loves her new class though admittedly misses Miss Cheryl, her toddler II teacher, from time to time.  She tells me though, "It's ok.  I can still give Miss Cheryl big hugs."  If I haven't mentioned this before, I love our daycare center.  I mean, I really really love it.  :)

We enjoyed some lovely snow in our lovely yard in our lovely town recently and built a snow fort and HUGE snowman for Abby before the cold weather turned it all to ice.  We'll probably have both snow structures on our yard until March now thanks to this cold snap.  ;) :)

We are planning a trip to Quebec City in March!  Leif wants to share this special place with his girls.  We can't wait.  I think it'll be neat for Abby to be around a little French too since she owes the language her very existence...  ;)  And check this out, we're staying HERE:

We are anxiously anticipating our vacation- an entire week without the hustle and bustle that is our lives right now.  We love our house and our town so much and wouldn't change it for the world but our work schedules coupled with our long commutes leads to pretty frantic weeks.  Good thing we have the sweetest and most hilarious girl in the world to keep our heads above water.  ;)

Next weekend we're heading to Lanconia, NH, right on lake Winnipesaukee with Grandma for a ski weekend (and Grandma's birthday on Saturday!)  It'll be nice to get away, do some swimming, and watch Leif and Abby ski Gunstock Mountain.  :)

Sending lots of love!!!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Prayer Request for Alexa

I have been unbelievably blessed with some friends whom I've never met in person.  We were all part of a expectant mom website when pregnant with our April babies and we have become so tight since.  We talk daily and confide and support and love and I am so grateful for these mamas.  My dear friend Carla is a member of this group.  She is the mother of twins- Evan and Alexa.  Alexa was born with a heart defect and today went in for her third open heart surgery.  The surgery went well but now is the difficult part for Miss Alexa as she recovers.  Please please say a little prayer for this strong girl and her strong mama and family:  Carla, Carl, Evan & Alexa.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy new year!! :)  We had a wonderful holiday season and hope everyone else did as well!

I just wanted to share a couple pics of Abby during our break.  I will write more and upload some videos once work has calmed down a bit.  :)

Sending lots of love!!!

 Auntie and Abby making snow angels!
 some super fun glasses Abby got at her friend George's 1st birthday party!
 Shopping with her new shopping cart
snow angel in full action :)