Friday, April 29, 2011

The Dugans are gettin' more sleep!

Well after 3 weeks of complete and utter sleep deprivation, we're finally getting a bit of rest!  Abby is able to sleep for 4 hours at a time during the night (after her obligatory 2 AM feeding.)  Leif and I have both been so tired and feel relieved to be catching up on sleep a bit.  We think Abby feels the same way! :)  Abby has been out for many walks and visits in the first 3 weeks of her life.  She absolutely loves car rides and being on the go.

Abby is such a cuddly baby and really enjoys her tummy time- sleeping on her tummy on the chest of mummy or daddy. :)  She is holding her head up by herself most of the time and seems to be able to focus her eyes more.  She loves to stare right in to your eyes during feedings (she's drinking expressed breast milk from bottles so everyone has had a chance to feed her- including her great grandma, Nanie)  :)

Abby also thoroughly enjoys tubby time.  We're hoping this translates to a total love of the water- we're pretty sure that it will. :)

The doctor is very pleased with Abby and has called her "a fine addition to the practice."  Abby did pee on the doctor at her last visit so hopefully he still feels the same way about her. ;)  Abby is seeing my old pediatrician.  I was so excited to see that he is still in practice and we are totally in love with him- he is wonderful with children and so sweet and gentle.

Now that we're getting more sleep and things are calming down, we should be able to update this blog more often! :)

Sending love to all of you!  Here's an updated picture of little miss Abby. :)  This is from Tuesday of this week before we took her out for a nice long walk in Winchester center. :)

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