Sunday, July 24, 2011

Social Butterfly

Miss Abby has been a social butterfly lately and does such a great job with friends old and new. :)  Yesterday I took Abby up north to Plymouth, NH for my best friend, C-mom's (Christin) 30th birthday party.  Mandy, Matt, Danielle, and I all made the trip up (unfortunately poor Leif had to work.)  We stopped and mulled around Plymouth State University's campus first (I had applied to Plymouth State, and visited once so it was neat to be back up there).  Abby dipped her feet in the river- a welcome treat in the hot temperatures that we have been enduring as of late.  We stopped at Sweet Kathy's and had an ice cream as well.  Abby had a wonderful visit with C-mom and all of C-mom's wonderful friends.  We spent the day out in the backyard among a beautiful vegetable garden and had a BBQ.  Abby is truly such an easy baby- she hardly fusses and has no problem being passed from person to person.  Here are some pics from her adventure yesterday, including a picture of the beautiful quilt that c-mom made for Abby.  Abby really loves looking at the colors of the quilt during her tummy time sessions. :)

Abby and Danielle

Abby and her Auntie Mandy

Abby and C-mom

Abby dipping her toes in the river

Abby's insanely gorgeous quilt that c-mom made!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Abby the Entertainer

Well I've been back to work for a week now.  Last week was horribly tough on me and I still miss Abby dearly, but you all deserve an Abby update!  :)  Abby has been spending her days with her Grammy (Cindy), Grandma (Carol), and Auntie (Mandy).  She is just full of life and love and entertains all of her audiences.  She is now giving the raspberry and thinks that it is so funny when people give it back to her.  The other night I held her in my lap and said the word, "Kitty" and she laughed a good belly laugh.  That word continued to amuse her for another 10 minutes or so.  She is full of smiles and is definitely testing out her voice.  She visited with her second cousin once removed Susannah (yeah, we just call her cousin Susannah...)  ;)  down at the lake recently.  Susannah taught Abby how to scream and Abby has definitely been testing out her lungs from time to time.  Abby continues to be such an easy baby.  She only fusses when she's hungry or over tired and her fussing is always so tolerable.  She loves to stand (with the help of someone, of course) and spends so much time exercising.  She is just in love with her mobile too.  I'm including a couple videos of our dear Abby entertaining. :)  She spent this past weekend out at the lake and went swimming again.  She now loves to swim and doesn't mind cold water (Leif and I dipped her toes in the cold Boston Harbor and she didn't even frown)  :)  We've been trying to enjoy every second of free time with Abby.  Our time has become so precious.  :)  Abby sends love to everyone (as do we)  :)

Abby the Entertainer

Abby and her mobile

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Party's Over

Well I am reporting from my desk at work this morning.  Today is my first day back and I was an hour early for work, having woke up at 4:30 worrying about how today will go.  I had the most wonderful maternity leave ever.  It was hard to leave Abby this morning but I know that she will be in good hands while I work.  Walking across campus this morning, I thought about how many times I've made this walk across campus and about how different my life is now.  I am so blessed and in love with my daughter and I couldn't imagine life without her.  This will be a short entry as I have over 1,000 emails to sift through this morning.  Will blog soon about our wonderful visit from the Sands.

This morning I arrived to find a beautiful bracelet on my desk as well as a box of tissues.  These two gifts instantly reminded me of my wonderful coworkers and of how much I love my job.  Excellent timing. ;)

Sending love to all and wishing everyone a happy Monday. :)