Monday, July 11, 2011

The Party's Over

Well I am reporting from my desk at work this morning.  Today is my first day back and I was an hour early for work, having woke up at 4:30 worrying about how today will go.  I had the most wonderful maternity leave ever.  It was hard to leave Abby this morning but I know that she will be in good hands while I work.  Walking across campus this morning, I thought about how many times I've made this walk across campus and about how different my life is now.  I am so blessed and in love with my daughter and I couldn't imagine life without her.  This will be a short entry as I have over 1,000 emails to sift through this morning.  Will blog soon about our wonderful visit from the Sands.

This morning I arrived to find a beautiful bracelet on my desk as well as a box of tissues.  These two gifts instantly reminded me of my wonderful coworkers and of how much I love my job.  Excellent timing. ;)

Sending love to all and wishing everyone a happy Monday. :)

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