Thursday, November 17, 2011

Baby on the move!

Abby is definitely crawling now- there's still a bit of lumbering involved, but she's perfecting her crawling quickly.  She's also becoming sweeter and sweeter by the day- and I'm not sure how that could be since she is already so so sweet.  She laughs a lot and smiles the most heart warming smiles and is so vocal!  She really does amaze us.  We've had some fun adventures lately:

We took Abby to America's Stonehenge in Salem, NH.  It was really neat and we thoroughly tested out the all terrain stroller- it made it through mud and over roots and rocks.  Impressive!  By the time Leif and I visited the on-site alpaca farm, Abby was asleep, but we still took a cute picture of her hanging out with the alpacas! :)  The one in this picture was particularly interested in Abby.  He kept staring at her and trying to figure her out.

Abby also took a nice walk down the Minuteman Bike Path.  We hooked on to the path in Lexington and were hoping to walk to Arlington, but Abby decided that she had had enough (and then decided that we could keep going if she could sit on dad's shoulders but alas, the girl gets heavy!)  :)

We took Abby to Christmas City in Lexington.  It's really just a store that really decks out for the holidays.  Abby loved looking at all of the lights and wanted to touch all of the snowflakes hanging from the ceiling.

Last night Abby and I painted for a bit.  She was an extremely enthusiastic painter and came up with some beautiful little pieces of art.  :)  She really liked looking at all of the colors on the page (and her hands, face, clothing, mama, etc)

Abby has perfected sitting up on her own and is very proud of herself (as she should be!)

Abby started eating solids 3 times a day this week!  Lately she's been eating pears, apples & cinnamon and green beans.  She likes both just fine but much prefers the fruit. :)  She's also eating mixtures of squash, carrots, and applesauce.  I've been having a lot of fun cooking new food for her and Leif and I love watching her reactions to each new taste.

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