Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Holiday Season

Well, the New England weather wouldn't have you believing that it is December but all of the beautiful Christmas lights, holiday music, and good cheer would!  :)  We had a wonderful weekend with little Miss Abby and put up Abby's first Christmas tree as a family.

Abby loved walking around the farm stand looking at the excited kids, trees, and Christmas decorations.  We picked out the perfect tree almost immediately on Saturday and decorated it on Sunday.

 Our tree!
Abby and dada decorating the tree- they're hanging one of Grandma Vi's ornaments! :)

Abby and I have also been working on some art projects and had quite a messy and comical scene Sunday night (don't worry folks- the paint is non-toxic and washable!) :

 She was painting like a professional with her fingers and then suddenly decided to taste test as well... ;)
Abby and I both required a wardrobe change after this but we had so much fun getting messy! :)

Abby is such a happy girl- the happiest I think.  She just beams love and happiness and it is so contagious:

Abby is trying all sorts of new foods- avocado is one of her all time favorites right now.  We're beginning to add all sorts of spices to her food as well- vanilla, cinnamon & nutmeg to her applesauce, cinnamon to her carrots.  I've been having so much fun making her food and the reward is so worth the labor- Abby just loves eating her solids. :)

Abby continues to sleep through the night.  She loves playing with Orion, enjoys crawling everywhere, jumping in our laps, giving kisses, investigating EVERYTHING, laughing, listening to music- any and all music for that matter (she has even learned how to turn the music of her mobile on by herself), smiling at her reflection in the mirror, and filling our lives with so much love and happiness.  Leif and I feel so blessed.  

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