Friday, July 27, 2012

Wednesday Play Day

Leif and I both took vacation days on Wednesday this week to spend some quality time with Abby and to escape work for a day.  It was everything that we imagined it could be and more.  ;)  We woke up late, had a leisurely breakfast with Miss Abby, and then headed up north.  First we stopped by Hampton Beach to give Abby a taste of the sand and ocean.  We soaked up the rays, dipped our feet in the chilly ocean water, and built sand castles to our delight.  It was WONDERFUL.  Next we headed over to visit Grandma Carol. :)  Abby enjoyed playing in a pink pool in the back yard, explored her playground of toys that Grandma has bought for her, took a quick bath, read some books, and enjoyed her visit with Grandma.  When we got home, we went for a walk around the block- the weather was just perfect.  Here are some pics from the day and a video.  :)

Abby at Hampton Beach

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday already!?!?

We had a wonderful weekend but I can't believe that it is already Monday!  :)

Friday night Mandy and I took Abby out for Chinese food.  Abby loved the lo mein and exclaimed, "yummy, yummy, yummy" as she ate a huge helping of it.  She also enjoyed the crab rangoon and pork dumplings.  My dad is a Chinese food enthusiast and is quite proud of Abby's approval of his favorite food.  ;)

On Saturday Mandy, Danielle, and I took Abby and Danielle's son Micky to the Stratham Fair.  The weather was just gorgeous and Abby thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the animals.  She managed to pat a cow, feed a goat, follow some ducks, and watch some little chicks.  We spent some time looking at the bunnies too- they were adorable!  Abby danced to the live music as we walked around the fair and had a great time. After the fair we headed to Portsmouth for some lunch.  Abby thoroughly enjoyed the restaurant, waitress, and food.

On Sunday we went on a river cruise on the Charles River in Cambridge.  Abby waved and said "hi" and "bye" to all of the duck boats and sail boats that we passed.  She waved hi to everyone on the boat as well and the woman sitting behind us said, "Boy does she have a big personality."  :)  The weather was perfect for a nice cruise and we got to see the whole Cambridge area.

 Abby and Auntie on a boat cruise
 Checking out Cambridge :)
 Abby and me at the Stratham Fair
Abby hanging with chicks

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My mom's cousin Steve has told us a couple of times now that his daughter Susannah just keeps getting more fun.  Susannah is a couple of months older than Abby.  I think about his comment every time that Abby makes me giggle.  She is so alive and full of life and bubbly happiness and silliness.  She loves to perform; she loves to laugh and love; and she loves to soak in everything.  When we get home from each day, Orion greets us at the door and Abby gives him the biggest hug and says "nice kitty," (her grandma Carol taught her that).  She runs all over the house and appreciates the space that we finally have.  She loves to color with crayons in her coloring books, read her books, play with her toys, and talk and interact with me and Leif.  When we take her for walks around Horn Pond by our house, she talks the entire walk, barks at the dogs that we pass, points and exclaims "water!" each time we see a glimpse of the beautiful pond, and waves at strangers while shouting, "Hi!"  She is a hoot.  Last night I was on a mission to make our farmer's market peaches in to sorbet.  Abby spent the time in the kitchen with me as my helper, proudly taking out each muffin tin and pot and pan and moving them to different areas of the kitchen.  She spent the rest of the evening running around with a wooden spoon that she found.  She is so strong and sturdy.  She smiles the biggest smiles.

This is typical Abby entertainment these days (a video from last night):
Abby the entertainer

And a quick shout out- thank you for the outfit that Abby is wearing in this video, Karen!!! :)  We just love it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

15 month check up

Abby had her 15 month check up this morning and is doing really great.  She's in the 90% for height and weight now- 25 lbs 4 oz, 31.5" tall.  Dr. Andonian was really pleased with her progress, her speech, and her beautiful blue eyes. ;)  He was impressed that Abby was drinking from a sippy cup 95% of the time now and mentioned that it was wonderful how easily Abby handled that transition.  We talked about the separation anxiety that Abby has experiencing lately and how normal (yet difficult) it is.  I witnessed things today that reaffirmed our choice of pediatrician- he again measured Abby's head to see what size princess crown she wears, after giving Abby her 2 vaccinations, he made a big point to show Abby that he was all done and throwing away the needles (and Abby immediately repeated "All done"), when looking at her eyes, he showed her the instrument and explained that you could blow the light out and then did it- Abby was amazed.

Abby's got molars coming in now too- one has already poked through and others are well on their way.  She has thoroughly enjoyed chewing on anything and everything in her grasp so this makes sense but I hadn't been able to keep her mouth open long enough to check it out for myself! ;)

Abby remembered Dr Andonian, though not fondly, and let him know that she wasn't his fan.  ;)  By the end of the appointment, she soothed herself by playing with her hair and watched his one lonely fish in the fish tank.

Dr Andonian said she's doing really well, told me to say hi to my mom for him, and sent us on our way.  We'll see him again at 18 months. :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Videos from the lake

:) thought I'd kick off this Monday with some videos from our lake adventures :)

Abby on the rocking chair
Abby and Papa fishing

and here's a video of Abby's dance moves (one of the last videos taken in our old apt!)  :)

Abby dancing

Monday, July 2, 2012

Good morning!

If Miss Abby is able to wake up on her own in the morning (in other words if her mean mom doesn't wake her up to get her ready for the day before she'd like to get up...), this is what you'll see:

Pretty cute, eh?  :)