Tuesday, July 10, 2012

15 month check up

Abby had her 15 month check up this morning and is doing really great.  She's in the 90% for height and weight now- 25 lbs 4 oz, 31.5" tall.  Dr. Andonian was really pleased with her progress, her speech, and her beautiful blue eyes. ;)  He was impressed that Abby was drinking from a sippy cup 95% of the time now and mentioned that it was wonderful how easily Abby handled that transition.  We talked about the separation anxiety that Abby has experiencing lately and how normal (yet difficult) it is.  I witnessed things today that reaffirmed our choice of pediatrician- he again measured Abby's head to see what size princess crown she wears, after giving Abby her 2 vaccinations, he made a big point to show Abby that he was all done and throwing away the needles (and Abby immediately repeated "All done"), when looking at her eyes, he showed her the instrument and explained that you could blow the light out and then did it- Abby was amazed.

Abby's got molars coming in now too- one has already poked through and others are well on their way.  She has thoroughly enjoyed chewing on anything and everything in her grasp so this makes sense but I hadn't been able to keep her mouth open long enough to check it out for myself! ;)

Abby remembered Dr Andonian, though not fondly, and let him know that she wasn't his fan.  ;)  By the end of the appointment, she soothed herself by playing with her hair and watched his one lonely fish in the fish tank.

Dr Andonian said she's doing really well, told me to say hi to my mom for him, and sent us on our way.  We'll see him again at 18 months. :)

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