Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Abby stories

Abby has been cooking "Spaghetti Soup" for Leif and I in her kitchen since before we moved to Westford.  Last night when she announced that she was cooking us spaghetti soup, she warned that it's spicy.  Seems as though she's improving upon the reliable recipe.  ;)

Last night she also took a pair of my pajama pants and wore them like a cape, exclaiming that she was a super hero.  She then explained that her super powers were "apples".

She is just bursting with new words and sentences and the most adorable observations.  I just wanted to write these two little stories down so that Abby sees how cute she is years later.  ;) :)

Sending love to all! :)

Here are a couple recent pics:

 Abby on safari

Abby on the runway (hanging out in the plaza of the Science Center at Harvard)

Friday, June 21, 2013


Abby's new daycare sends home the most wonderful reports- they're so detailed and you can tell that Abby's teacher just adores her.  We're saving all of the reports for Abby and will put together a binder some day but this particular little story was too cute not to share. ;)

Abby's teacher Miss Cheryl explained that Abby had a wonderful morning yesterday and made her teacher laugh out loud.  Miss Cheryl was explaining to Abby's class that carrots are good for your eyes.  Abby immediately interjected, "No put carrots in eyes!"  :)

Miss Cheryl explained how funny Abby is- and we couldn't agree more.  She's a delight.

This weekend we are taking Abby to her first Lowell Spinners game- they're the triple a baseball team for the Sox.  :)  We'll be going Saturday night- which also happens to be a fireworks night at the park.  Both Leif and Abby have never been to a Spinners game before and I think they'll both love it.  There isn't a bad seat in the park, the total experience is catered to the kids, and the fans are super nice- plus they have fireworks.  ;)

We're enjoying the sunny weather after so many rainy days.  On the ride to daycare this morning Abby told me she likes sunny weather.  I asked her if she likes the rain and she replied, "No, I like sunny."  She is certainly our ray of sunshine.  :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Sending love and hugs!!!!  :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer is upon us

We had a busy week so we thoroughly enjoyed each other and the new house once we found ourselves all in the same place at the same time.  ;)  There is a perfect breeze that glides through the trees in the backyard and the sun hits just right.  There's so much peace and quiet on our street- we're not used to it- but we love it.  Orion spends lots of time looking out the windows and Abby spends lots of time EVERYWHERE- inside/outside, upstairs/downstairs.  She is so happy with our new space and she's the main reason we did it all so that's the biggest reward we could imagine.  :)  We put up a pool in the backyard yesterday.  The water is still very cold- too cold for Abby to have much interest in swimming- but Leif and I enjoyed it during Abby's nap yesterday and Abby liked splashing her hands in it too.  Here are a couple summer pics for y'all :)

This week we have friends from Florida visiting so we're in the midst of a mad dash to get the guest room complete.  :)  I made a lot of progress on it over the weekend (Abby even helped move some of the stuff out of the room) and Leif is finishing it all up this week before they arrive.  We're so looking forward to seeing Nikki, Francis, and their thirteen month old, Carly.