Friday, June 21, 2013


Abby's new daycare sends home the most wonderful reports- they're so detailed and you can tell that Abby's teacher just adores her.  We're saving all of the reports for Abby and will put together a binder some day but this particular little story was too cute not to share. ;)

Abby's teacher Miss Cheryl explained that Abby had a wonderful morning yesterday and made her teacher laugh out loud.  Miss Cheryl was explaining to Abby's class that carrots are good for your eyes.  Abby immediately interjected, "No put carrots in eyes!"  :)

Miss Cheryl explained how funny Abby is- and we couldn't agree more.  She's a delight.

This weekend we are taking Abby to her first Lowell Spinners game- they're the triple a baseball team for the Sox.  :)  We'll be going Saturday night- which also happens to be a fireworks night at the park.  Both Leif and Abby have never been to a Spinners game before and I think they'll both love it.  There isn't a bad seat in the park, the total experience is catered to the kids, and the fans are super nice- plus they have fireworks.  ;)

We're enjoying the sunny weather after so many rainy days.  On the ride to daycare this morning Abby told me she likes sunny weather.  I asked her if she likes the rain and she replied, "No, I like sunny."  She is certainly our ray of sunshine.  :)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Sending love and hugs!!!!  :)

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