Wednesday, August 14, 2013


We are camping next weekend and we couldn't be more excited.  We're camping at a campground that I have visited every summer/fall for the past 27 consecutive years.  This'll be Abby's third consecutive year.  :)  One of Leif and my first dates was a weekend camping here and I had my bachelorette party here.  LAKE PEMAQUID CAMPGROUND!!!

We have a photo tradition that we'll be adding to as well:

This year we're going with my mom and dad, Mandy and her boyfriend Fitzy, our friend Danielle and her son Micky, Danielle's brother Chris, and Danielle's friend Ann.  Chris and Danielle used to camp with us at Pemaquid every summer in August and this will be Micky's first trip to the campground.  :)  We'll be camping in tents this time- which is my favorite way to camp.  ;)  The campground has a fun hayride that goes through the entire campground and out on to the main road- we can't wait to bring Abby on it this year.  :)  We're hoping for some sunny weather to enjoy the water, and some star gazing at night- the stars are SO bright in Maine- you can see the milky way clear as ever.  :)  We'll have pictures to share, that's for sure!  We'll also be celebrating my dad's birthday and Danielle's birthday, both are taking place during our camping trip.  :)

Leif and I haven't taken a whole lot of time off this summer.  I had minimal amounts of vacation time left thanks to needing days off to close on our house, fill out mortgage documents, find a new daycare, etc etc so I was barely able to pull a week off in July to spend at our cottage in Western, MA.  Next year we're rationing our vacation days differently because we've missed having a significant summer vacation.  We've still really enjoyed our summer.  Our week at the lake was wonderful and we spent each weekend in July at the lake as well.  We've been so busy and are really looking forward to not having plans this weekend.  ;)

We started bringing Abby to Forge Pond- a GORGEOUS pond about a mile from our house.  She enjoys the swings and slides most and we're able to take in the picturesque view while we play.  The air there is so good and the little beach and swim area are heavenly.  Here are a couple pictures:

Abby is talking so much these days- full and wild sentences that amaze us.  Leif is usually the one who picks her up from daycare.  When I get home from work she runs to me and then tells me about her whole day without hardly taking a breath.  I love it.  She is so full of energy- we spend a lot of evenings dancing or running around the house or back yard.  She loves being outside and is obsessed with swings.  :)

I will post more pictures and stories soon but wanted to get something up on the blog to share.  :)

Sending love to all!!!  :)

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