Monday, June 27, 2011

Lake Pemaquid Adventure!

Well, before I forget the details of Memorial Day weekend, I better write them down!  We took Abigail to Lake Pemaquid Campground for Memorial Day weekend.  I have been going to this campground for 25 years now.  My mom and dad used to take us camping for 2 weeks every summer in August.  We want Miss Abby to have the same wonderful Maine camping experience.

Because Abby was still so young, we decided to rent a cabin instead of venturing out in our tent.  It was a good thing too since it rained quite heavily on the last night of our trip and all of our gear would have been soaked!  :)  Abby took quite well to the campground though felt a bit overstimulated when the hayride came around.  She was not a huge fan of the loud shrieks of "Hayride!"

The weather was a bit cold so we spent an evening in our cabin with the fireplace roaring and a game of trivial pursuit going.  Abby was her papa's partner and was able to con an extra chip from her auntie with her good looks. ;)

On Sunday afternoon we all traveled further down the lake to the cabin of my childhood reverend, Dave Myers.  It had been so many years since we had seen him, his wife, and kids.  The Myers moved down to Maryland.  Abby was held by the reverend who baptised me.  It was a magical moment and Dave has not lost his touch with children!  He calmed Abby right down.  My family grew up with the Myers- Dave's kids were in the same grades as Mandy and I, and we really really loved them all.  It was so neat to spend an afternoon with all of them!

Abby enjoyed looking at the water.  The water was absolutely frigid (Leif, Mandy and I went swimming and experienced the cold temperatures first hand!)  Abby's favorite activity was being strolled around the campground in her all terrain stroller (it handled quite well over the rocks and stumps of the campground grounds!).  It was so magical to bring our infant to the campground where we will have so many family memories down the road.  I lost my two front teeth at Pemaquid, camped with my best friends for years, and even had my bachelorette party there- and now I get to share this place with my daughter!  It is a magical little place.  :)

Leif caught some beautiful fish while camping with my dad too.  I think my dad was a bit jealous and declared that Leif wasn't allowed to fish with him and Mandy's boyfriend Matt anymore.  ;) :)

On Monday we stopped in Boothbay Harbor on the way home and had lunch on the Ocean.  It was a beautiful but very hot day so we headed for home after lunch.  :)

Here are some pics of Abby's first camping adventure!!

Mandy and Abby

Abby hanging out in a camp chair :)

Abby, a bit overstimulated ;)

Trivial Pursuit!

Abby and Papa!

We have many more adventures to write about and will do so soon!  Little Miss Abby has been a busy bee!!! :)

Sending love to all!!!!!

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