Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have take off!

Abby took steps last night.  :)  Two steps towards her puffs (she is very food-motivated) and then another step later towards her puffs again- she took all of these steps without falling, or even wobbling for that matter.  She evidently is already working on her manners as well and says "thank you".  It hasn't been perfected yet, but she is definitely saying thank you.  This leads Leif and I to believe that we also have a well-mannered household.  ;)

Abby also had her first haircut on Monday.  :)  Though we're growing her hair out so that I can finally give her pigtails, my Auntie E asked if we'd like to give her bangs on Monday during hair night- and I said yes, please.  Her bangs are adorable and we saved the very small clipping for Abby's scrapbook.  :)

Abby says "uh oh" constantly now.  She also puts her hands up in a "I didn't do it" pose when she purposefully drops an item- it is ridiculously adorable.  :)

She loves to point at everything and can also figure out how to take each and every shoe that we've ever purchased for her off- she is like Houdini when it comes to shoes.  Abby's daycare teacher and I were joking about it this morning.  I sent her in wearing a pair of Robeez this morning- they're rumored to be the most difficult shoe for a baby to remove- we'll see if they make it the day or not.  ;)

Leif and I are huge American Idol fans.  Last night while watching the men perform, Abby clapped throughout this entire performance:  Evidently Colton Dixon is her favorite.  :)  Leif and I are partial to Phillip Phillips however.  ;)

My mom took Abby to visit my Nanie yesterday at her assisted living facility.  Nanie was down in the common room with her housemates and evidently Abby was quite the performer.  She was pointing at them, laughing at them, saying "uh oh" and putting on a show.  I imagine it was quite a cute scene. :)

Looks like we're getting some snow today and tonight here in New England!  Maybe there's hope for Abby's toboggan...  we've barely used the darn thing this winter!  :)

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