Wednesday, February 22, 2012

UNH Hockey, Slides, Swings & a Few New Things! ;)

We have been busy! :)  Abby has completely recovered from her stomach bug and we've been taking advantage of our renewed health by getting out and about! :)  Over the weekend my mom and I took Abby to her first UNH Hockey game and she just loved it!  She danced along to the music, actually watched some of the game, and pointed and flirted with the fans around us. :)  It was wonderful to be back up on campus and neat to be able to bring my mom and daughter to their first UNH hockey games! :)  UNH ended up losing in overtime but we had left with two minutes remaining in the last period so we didn't hear the bad news 'til we got home. :)  We sat next to the sweetest woman at the game who was so taken with Abby- as was her husband.

Leif and I have been taking Abby for tons of walks in this unseasonal weather (it has been so warm and beautiful out!)  Over the weekend we strolled around the Mystic River, through the streets of Portsmouth, NH (including Prescott Park), and around Woburn (we found a little playground by us and Abby tried her first slide- she loved it!)  :)  

Abby is still exhibiting a voracious appetite. :)  She had chicken for the first time the other night and loved it. :)  She's also tried nectarine recently as well.  Here are a couple pics of her eating banana.  :)

Last night we celebrated Mardi Gras with little Miss Abby- we didn't do anything elaborate but it was by far our best Mardi Gras yet.  We all played on the ground, and Leif and I watched our little girl laughing and smiling like crazy.  She has been so darn happy as of late- it's infectious.  :)

Here are a couple silly pictures of our girl. :)  She has taken a couple of steps now though becomes unsteady and falls.  She'll be walking soon for sure though :)

Sending love to all!!!  :) :) :)

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