Monday, April 30, 2012

Spontaneous Magic

I am a fan of spontaneous adventures- in fact, they are one of my favorite things in the world- and I feel so fortunate that my husband and daughter share an enthusiasm for such adventuring.  :)

This weekend, Mandy's boss (and my former boss) Amy offered to let Mandy, Matt, Leif, Abby and I stay at her cottage in Eastham, MA (GORGEOUS CAPE COD!)  Her cottage, rightfully nicknamed the Magic Cottage, is exactly what we all needed.  Leif, Abby, and I headed down to the cottage Saturday to spend the night.  We arrived with just a hint of sunlight left to the day and were welcomed by Mandy and Matt (and their cat Rocco and lizard Bob Saget).  We spent the evening relaxing in the cozy cottage with a big home cooked meal and good company.  Abby had taken a late nap the entire drive down to the cottage so we knew that she would be up for a while that evening.  Around 10pm, we walked down to the Nauset Lighthouse and sat at its base.  We listened to the waves crash and watched the lighthouse light sweep through the trees in front of us.  Abby enjoyed the late evening stroll and we enjoyed the peace and quiet.  :)

Nauset Lighthouse- a stone's throw from Amy's cottage

Sunday morning we woke up (Abby let us sleep in until 8:30AM- her stipulation was that she share the bed with us- we happily complied), brewed some coffee, and packed it in a thermos for the beach- also a stone's throw from Amy's cottage.  We packed Abby's sand castle supplies and walked down to the water.  Us adults all drank a cup of coffee as Abby raked the sand and shoveled it on to her head.  ;)  

After we finished our coffees, we walked the beach for a while.  Mandy and I were feeling particularly adventurous and strolled through the FREEZING cold water:

Abby really loves the sand and water and did some beach strolling, shell seeking, and water watching of her own:

ok, ok- Abby didn't write this herself but she certainly approved of it... ;)

The Nauset Lighthouse beach is insanely beautiful- breath taking really.

After our beautiful morning on the beach we headed back to the cottage to enjoy the yard.  Amy has done a fabulous job of creating little magical sitting spaces amongst gardens.  She even has a hammock in the midst of some beautiful trees for ultimate relaxation.  Abby loved sitting in the yard and swinging on the hammock.  The girl just loves the outdoors.

We stayed the entire afternoon at Amy's cottage on Sunday and finally hit the road around 5PM- much to our chagrin.  Unfortunately during the ride home we hit horrible traffic due to construction on the Sagamore bridge (the way in and out of the cape) and our ride was extended by a good hour.  I only mention this because ordinarily Abby would sleep through the entire ride- but this time woke for the last hour of the trip and was ridiculously wonderful for the entire end of the ride- laughing, talking to herself, completely entertained.  We are so fortunate to have this bubbly, happy, easy-going, adventurous, glowing girl in our life.  Oh my- we're just feeling fortunate and blessed.  :)

Something should be said for Abby's dear Auntie Mandy too- who invited us along kid and all.  Abby's auntie is so so so in love with Miss Abby- it is so touching to watch.  Mandy and I have always been unusually close but to watch her with my daughter just fills me up with love.  She spoils her on so many levels and Abby just loves her dearly.  Thank you, Mandy (and Matt!) for including us in this wonderful Cape Cod adventure.  <3  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Adventurous Eater

We have an adventurous eater on our hands, folks!  I couldn't be more thrilled ;)

Last weekend Abby tried Latin cuisine for the first time and loved it.  She sampled just about everything from the plates of her mommy, daddy, and auntie.  She tried spicy pork, black beans, spanish rice, plantains, shrimp, and yuca.  She loved the black beans most of all- she couldn't get enough of them!  We were pleased that she didn't shy away from the hot spices of the pork too. :) 

Last night we took Abby to a local BBQ joint and she tried BBQ pulled chicken, corn bread, baked beans, green beans, and mac & cheese.  She loved it all and enjoyed the green beans so much that she took the cup of them away from me and snacked on them.  :)

At home she's been eating halibut, BBQ chicken, cajun spiced asparagus, and chicken bolognese.  It's so fun to watch her try and react to new foods.  She is an adventurous girl!  :)

Last weekend we stayed in a local hotel with a pool and unwound quite a bit- it was HEAVENLY.  Abby loved the pool- splashed around like mad, and made friends with all of the little girls- a couple of them even held her in the pool and Abby just loved it.  In the hotel room, the girl had her run of the mill- we put her food in pots and pans and let her pretend to cook and snack as she pleased.  It was so nice to have a weekend off from worrying about keeping up with chores!  The dishes could get dirty and we didn't need to clean them! :) ;)

She played 'til she dropped!  ;)

Friday, April 20, 2012

A couple new pics :)

We have had such a busy month!  Abby's 1st birthday party was last Sunday- we're so grateful for the friends and family members who were able to go- it was oodles of fun. :)  On Monday, we took Abby to the Patriots Day parade in Lexington.  Last year she slept through the entire parade but this year she was awake, waving at everyone, and dancing to the music.  What a difference a year can make!

 Abby at the parade last year
 Abby at the parade this year!

And a couple pics from her birthday party:

 Baby and proud mama
 Danielle giving Abby the ride of a lifetime ;)
 The cute kidlets at the party :)
 Birthday princess
Happy birthday, our beautiful girl!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thank you

Miss Abby wants to thank all of her family and friends for the generous gifts, cards, messages of love, and virtual hugs and kisses. :)  She had a wonderful birthday and was oh so spoiled (just as we've been by all of the special moments created by this amazing little girl).  :)

Abby had a wonderful Easter- 2 egg hunts and free roaming during church service.  She was able to join in Easter dinner and ate ham, green beans, a roll, and some au gratin potatoes- the green beans were her favorite. <3

Leif and I have been busy with April festivities as well as apartment hunting- will post more pictures once our world slows down a bit! :)

In the mean time, here is a pic from Abby's bday, from Easter, and a couple videos that I uploaded to my facebook account over the weekend.

Sending oodles of love!

Easter Egg Hunt!
Abby's Birthday Munchkin!

Birthday Abby:
 Easter Abby:

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Abby!

The birthday girl is taking a nap right now (getting her beauty rest) so I have a few moments to write. :)  Abby is 1 today!!!  She's had a great day so far- tucked herself in bed with the two of us in the middle of the night and got to snuggle with us this morning.  Leif went out to Dunkin Donuts and bought Abby her own munchkin- she loved it.  I'll post the video later today! :)  At 10:36AM we had an "Abby Sandwich"- this is what we call it when we both hug her at the same time.  :)  I just finished frosting Abby's first cake- vanilla bean with chocolate frosting.  When the princess awakes, we'll take her for a walk in this gorgeous weather and will meet the rest of the family (grandma, grammy, papa, auntie Mandy & uncle Matt) at Woodman's for a seafood dinner and cupcakes ;)  Abby has had a wonderful day so far.  We feel so blessed.  :)  Sending lots of love and will post pics later!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A year ago today

A year ago today the hospital started induction at 2:30 PM. I wrote the following email to a couple of my coworkers (thought this would be nice for Abby to see some day.)  :)

Leif and I had an appt this morning.  My blood pressure was a little high (totally nerves- it's back to normal now.)  Because I'm past due, they did a non stress test to see how Abby is doing.  She is great and received a 10 from the docs.  They decided to bring up the idea of induction today because the girl is comfy and my body isn't making any progress at all.  So, I am typing from my exciting hospital bed.  We decided to go ahead with induction.  They think Abby will be born Friday or Saturday and they think she's 8.5 to 9 lbs now.  :)  we're not allowed visitors until Abby is here and I'm already bored stiff.  Day time tv is terrible.  ;)  the doctors say that Abby and I are really healthy and everything looks great.  I can't believe that there is an end in sight!

Ps- Karen, you are right about the hospital food.  It's actually quite good!! 

Our room is right by the nurses station so I'll give you guys all of the hospital gossip that we hear.;)

While I'm at it, I'm going to include the email exchange that I had with my coworker Karen throughout the afternoon and evening before Miss Abigail Ann was born... :)

3 am and my water just broke!!!
From:  Karen
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:52 PM
To: Terry
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

She's got to be starting sumthin'.....yeah, yeah.....she's stuck in the middle....yeah, yeah....
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:05 PM
To:  Karen
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

what a great idea to print these out!!  I loved Jordan's man in the mirror and Casey rocked it!!  I agree about Haley.  The meds are working really well.  They said I might go in to labor tonight!!  Abby is truly amazing us already.  She is doing so well!  Titi k.  I love it!!  Your messages brighten me up.  Thank you!
From: Karen
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 8:54 PM
To: Terry
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

Kudos to werewolf boy (Casey) and Lauren.  Like the Cont-roul thang from Black Eyed Pea guy.......They're my favorites so far.  Haley, although good, is a bit into herself.  Nice to see vulnerable side to James, Rockerboy.   Hope Pia does something good.  I'd like to see her try to sing Chaka Khan......"Tell Me Somethin' Good".......and CowboyBoy - Scotty has to go.  but he'll last until almost the end (like the duracell battery).  Wooohooo.  What's happening with Abby?  Is she cresting yet.......comm on Abby...give your momma some action jackson pretty please.  Just think your momma can print these messages out and keep them in your delivery journal.  Titi 'K'.
From:  Terry
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:16 PM
To:  Karen
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

Your emails have made my night!  I tried the salmon for dinner tonight.  It was so good!  They started my induction at 2:30 today but they think it's going to be a long long process.  I'm starting to have contractions now.  Hopefully Abby gets on board and this is a quick process!!  :)  leif has been thoroughly enjoying the food so far but we're both so bored!  Really looking forward to idol tonight!  I was sad that Paul was in the bottom 3 last week!!!

Thanks for all of the tips and sweet words.  I'm so excited to meet little Abby!!!

How is street kitty????
From: Karen
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:01 PM
To: Terry
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

Just think, Leif doesn't have to do marathon driving to get you to the hospital;  you're already there.  Relief.
That's a big blessing.  Right?  Tell him, he should eat all their, eat and be happy.  Food is good.  Love the salmon; roast turkey, stuffing mashed pot, even the meatloaf is pretty good.  And the pies and lots of ice cream.  Hey, do it BIG.  You can tell from my commentary, that I must have been a temporary resident  on ocassion and/or a frequent visitor.
Sit back, and watch American Idol tonight.  Perhaps Abby will be so bored, that she'll spring into action and you'll miss some of the key performances.  What a girl~

How about entertainment with none other than  DEVO 'Whip It' can dance around a bit.
Now, I'm bored.....gotta run to feed Street Kitty and BoyToy.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One Year

A year ago from Friday, I had a doctor's appointment scheduled- just a routine appointment.  Leif and I had both started our leaves and for some reason that morning I asked Leif to come with me- I felt nervous.  It was a good thing too- my blood pressure was high and they decided to admit me.  Leif and I found out on April 6th that we were going to be meeting our baby girl in a matter of days.  They started the induction process and informed me that we would probably meet Abby in 2-3 days.  As it turned out, Abby just needed a little push to get things going (at the time I wouldn't have called pitocin a little push).  We met Abby at 10:36AM the next morning and our lives were changed forever.  No matter how well a parent tries to describe parenthood to expectant parents, I don't think they really "get it" until they meet their first child.  Abigail Ann Dugan has given us so much in the one year that we've had together so far.  It is so difficult to believe that it's almost been a year now but we can't imagine life without her.  She has given us new purpose, new perspective, a new and very deep feeling of love, pride, and happiness, and many a sleepless night.  ;)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Feeling MUCH better!

Abby was back to herself yesterday- 100% recovered and acting like a total ham.  Here are some videos from the weekend for your viewing pleasure ;)  The hairdo in the first video is thanks to having her hair up in a clip all day- looks kinda like a mohawk... ;) :)

Abby the comedian

Abby playing the piano at Auntie Mandy's and Uncle Matt's

Abby Eating ;)