Friday, April 6, 2012

A year ago today

A year ago today the hospital started induction at 2:30 PM. I wrote the following email to a couple of my coworkers (thought this would be nice for Abby to see some day.)  :)

Leif and I had an appt this morning.  My blood pressure was a little high (totally nerves- it's back to normal now.)  Because I'm past due, they did a non stress test to see how Abby is doing.  She is great and received a 10 from the docs.  They decided to bring up the idea of induction today because the girl is comfy and my body isn't making any progress at all.  So, I am typing from my exciting hospital bed.  We decided to go ahead with induction.  They think Abby will be born Friday or Saturday and they think she's 8.5 to 9 lbs now.  :)  we're not allowed visitors until Abby is here and I'm already bored stiff.  Day time tv is terrible.  ;)  the doctors say that Abby and I are really healthy and everything looks great.  I can't believe that there is an end in sight!

Ps- Karen, you are right about the hospital food.  It's actually quite good!! 

Our room is right by the nurses station so I'll give you guys all of the hospital gossip that we hear.;)

While I'm at it, I'm going to include the email exchange that I had with my coworker Karen throughout the afternoon and evening before Miss Abigail Ann was born... :)

3 am and my water just broke!!!
From:  Karen
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:52 PM
To: Terry
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

She's got to be starting sumthin'.....yeah, yeah.....she's stuck in the middle....yeah, yeah....
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:05 PM
To:  Karen
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

what a great idea to print these out!!  I loved Jordan's man in the mirror and Casey rocked it!!  I agree about Haley.  The meds are working really well.  They said I might go in to labor tonight!!  Abby is truly amazing us already.  She is doing so well!  Titi k.  I love it!!  Your messages brighten me up.  Thank you!
From: Karen
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 8:54 PM
To: Terry
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

Kudos to werewolf boy (Casey) and Lauren.  Like the Cont-roul thang from Black Eyed Pea guy.......They're my favorites so far.  Haley, although good, is a bit into herself.  Nice to see vulnerable side to James, Rockerboy.   Hope Pia does something good.  I'd like to see her try to sing Chaka Khan......"Tell Me Somethin' Good".......and CowboyBoy - Scotty has to go.  but he'll last until almost the end (like the duracell battery).  Wooohooo.  What's happening with Abby?  Is she cresting yet.......comm on Abby...give your momma some action jackson pretty please.  Just think your momma can print these messages out and keep them in your delivery journal.  Titi 'K'.
From:  Terry
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:16 PM
To:  Karen
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

Your emails have made my night!  I tried the salmon for dinner tonight.  It was so good!  They started my induction at 2:30 today but they think it's going to be a long long process.  I'm starting to have contractions now.  Hopefully Abby gets on board and this is a quick process!!  :)  leif has been thoroughly enjoying the food so far but we're both so bored!  Really looking forward to idol tonight!  I was sad that Paul was in the bottom 3 last week!!!

Thanks for all of the tips and sweet words.  I'm so excited to meet little Abby!!!

How is street kitty????
From: Karen
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:01 PM
To: Terry
Subject: RE: abigail has been served her eviction papers

Just think, Leif doesn't have to do marathon driving to get you to the hospital;  you're already there.  Relief.
That's a big blessing.  Right?  Tell him, he should eat all their, eat and be happy.  Food is good.  Love the salmon; roast turkey, stuffing mashed pot, even the meatloaf is pretty good.  And the pies and lots of ice cream.  Hey, do it BIG.  You can tell from my commentary, that I must have been a temporary resident  on ocassion and/or a frequent visitor.
Sit back, and watch American Idol tonight.  Perhaps Abby will be so bored, that she'll spring into action and you'll miss some of the key performances.  What a girl~

How about entertainment with none other than  DEVO 'Whip It' can dance around a bit.
Now, I'm bored.....gotta run to feed Street Kitty and BoyToy.

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