Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!! :)

Well Hurricane Sandy has come and gone now- we were fortunate to have weathered the storm well- we didn't lose electricity, any of our trees, or our sanity.  ;)  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone recovering from this tremendous storm- we feel so fortunate that our experience was mild in comparison.

Happy Halloween!  Abby is dressed as a lady bug for the day.  :)  She will go trick-or-treating with her daycare this afternoon and will also be heading to the Alzheimer's unit in the daycare's building to participate in some games and activities with the patients.  We hope to take her trick-or-treating around Lexington this evening after work as well.  Here is a pic of our lady bug baby bug (and I'm sure we'll have more this evening after the festivities)

On Sunday we took Abby to the annual halloween parade in Woburn.  The weather was a bit misty with Hurricane Sandy just around the corner, and it was downright raining by the very end, but we had such a wonderful time.  Last year Abby slept through the entire parade, but this year she was present and engaged!  :)  Her favorites were the multiple Elmo sightings (and the Elmo balloon that her daddy purchased for her), Sponge Bob (they're on a first name basis, evidently, as she calls him "Bob"), the fire trucks and ambulances (they recently had a visit from both at their daycare during a lesson about policemen and firemen) and the marching band who ventured far off the beaten path and played LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem (which reminds me, I don't think I ever mentioned this in the blog before but Abby is obsessed with that song- it is the one thing that made our drive down to Florida last March successful).   Here's a link to our newspaper with a couple of pictures from the parade this year:  Halloween Parade pics!

Abby is singing A LOT right now- she loves to sing her ABCs and also loves the Baby Bumble Bee song.  She performed her rendition of the Baby Bumblebee song at our local Chinese restaurant last night to the table next to us.  They totally ate it up.  :)  Here is a little video of her musical talents:

Abby Singing

Here is a video showcasing Abby's new toddler slide too.  It's a definite hit in the Dugan Household.

Abby's slide

There are a couple of cute videos that I still need to upload to Youtube (they're on Leif's phone right now) but I'll get them up shortly.  :)

We carved a toddler-themed pumpkin this year for sure- one of Abby's favorite characters, Elmo.  :)

Also, Abby's hair is finally long enough to put in pigtails.  It's not an easy task though- Abby requires complete distraction before she'll allow me to touch her hair.  ;)  Here is a pic from a recent dinner at a local Mexican restaurant (side note: Abby LOVES salsa- even when she was showing us that her mouth was getting too hot, she kept dipping her chips in it...)  ;)

Leif and I are finding that time is short, life is good, and Abby is larger than life.  She is so much fun, full of so much happiness, laughter, and entertainment, and we're just smitten.  :)

Sending love to all and happy halloween!! :)  xoxoxoxox

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