Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Wheels on the Bus, A day at the Farm, and the quirks or toddlerhood ;)

Prepare to be impressed, folks- Abby knows the song Wheels on the Bus.  Not only does she know the main chorus, she knows other verses such as "the babies on the bus go wah wah wah", "the mamas on the bus go shhh, shhhh, shhh" and "the wipers on the swish, swish, swish"  She even knows the dance moves that accompany the lyrics.  Yep, absolutely adorable.  We've yet to catch it on video but don't worry, we'll keep trying. :)

Last weekend Leif and I took Abby to Drumlin Farms in Lincoln, MA.  My mom and dad used to take me there as a kid and it was so neat to return.  We visited with a bunch of sheep, chickens, goats, cows (even a baby born in September!) horses, a couple of white tailed deer.  It was wonderful.  The most wonderful part of Drumlin Farms is how kid-oriented it is- with learning stations by each animal exhibit.  Abby was able to collect eggs, groom a horse tale, carry a milk jug, weigh herself as the pigs are weighed, and run WILD.  :)  Here are some pics from our adventure:

 Abby and daddy in the pig barn
 Collecting rocks by the chicken coop
 Toddler on the loose!
 Drumlin Farm aftermath (nice long nap)
 Mama and baby cow
 Collecting wooden eggs
 grooming a horse tail
 Riding a horse
 collecting milk

 weighing herself on the pig scale
she's still a piglet!  ;)

And finally, some Toddler-Abby quirks that I get a kick out of:

Abby currently refuses to wear jeans of any sort.  Stretchy pants are fine, jean pants are torturous.  ;)

Abby refuses to wear a hood, hat, or anything that could possibly keep her head warm on a cold New England day (we're hoping this changes soon...)  ;)

Abby's eating habits are sometimes a bit quirky too- she'll love something one day and then decide that it's the worst thing she's ever eaten the next.  We've learned to give it three days before we stock up on an item... ;)  

Sending love to everyone!!!

xoxoxoxo :)

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