Monday, September 30, 2013

Legos and naps don't mix ;)

Yesterday Leif and I put Abby "down" for a nap.  She had been snoozing in the car right before we got home so we knew she was ready.  The tricky little girl got her fingers on the container of legos in her room, however, by carefully working the lid off of the box and then sneaking legos through the rungs of her crib.  For the next hour, she played with legos in her crib, as happy as can be.  We kept expecting her to fall asleep but legos are way too stimulating, evidently.  :)  After an hour, I decided that the legos would probably need to be removed from the crib before Miss Abby would take a nap.  When I went in to remove them, she explained that she was playing baseball with the legos.  I couldn't figure out the logistics of her baseball game but was pleased with her imaginative world as the Red Sox are about to start their post-season journey this Friday.  Oh, and while I'm at it- Leif and I are going to the first game of the play-offs.  We have never been to a postseason baseball game and feel like Christmas has come very early this year.  Ok, back to the cute story.  ;)  I explained to Abby that she needed a nap in order to rest up to play with her auntie who was visiting for the day.  Abby explained that she needed her auntie, and then helped me put the legos away so she could take a nap.  She then sang for the next 30 minutes until finally falling in to a slumber.  She is unbelievably cute- like you-just-want-to-squeeze-her-cheeks-all-of-the-time cute.  ;)  I just wanted to write down this quick story before I forget.  The image of her playing legos in her crib kept me warm and fuzzy during the entire morning commute.  :)

Here are a couple recent pics of Miss Abby too :)

 Abby making sandcastles at the lake for my birthday :)
 Abby and her sidewalk chalk art in our front yard
 Abby's giraffe costume- we think it might be a bit too small for Halloween but we have another giraffe costume arriving shortly for trick-or-treating next month :)
Abby hanging out with Spiderman at the lake for my birthday :)

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