Friday, October 14, 2011

And finally... THE BEAR OUTFIT!

Here are the pics of Abby's adorable bear outfit.  I am smitten.  :)

In recent Abby news- the girl likes squash!  :)  Leif and I tried squash with her this week- Grammy made a special batch just for Abby.  The first day of it went well- she didn't protest too much and never gagged.  Last night we gave her some more and she was smacking her lips and reaching for the spoon! :)

Abby is able to pull herself up on to her knees and hands- she is so so so close to crawling!  The other night she woke up around midnight and I watched her on the baby monitor- she made about five laps of her crib by scooting around.  She'll be completely mobile before we know (and we'll be baby proofing like champs...)  ;) :)  She is definitely more skilled at traveling backyards than forewords but I have witnessed her scoot herself to the front of her crib moving foreword as well.  She is still so full of energy (and we love that).

We'll be pumpkin carving this weekend so we'll have a host of fall pictures to upload after the weekend. We have so much video footage too!  :)

Sending love to all and wishing everyone a very happy weekend! :)

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