Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin- the finished product!

Well, we finally finished our pumpkin yesterday!  Both Leif and I carved it while Abby napped. :)  Abby was completely worn out from our first trip to the playground!  We went to Robbins Farm Park in Arlington.  We took Abby down the slide (she sat on my lap once and on Leif's lap once)- she enjoyed that just fine but she really really enjoyed the swing.  We put Abby in the swing and gave it a good push and boy did that girl laugh!  She was grinning from ear to ear and probably could have spent the entire day on that swing.  :)  We walked the park quickly as well- it has amazing views of Boston from its hilly terrain.  It was a wonderful Sunday afternoon in the park.  :)  The image of Abby laughing in the swing has haunted me all day and makes me feel oh so happy. :)

Here are some pics and video from yesterday:
Abby Swinging
Abby Swinging 2

and the PUMPKIN!

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