Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I've tried hard to take more pics this past week so here are some highlights of Miss Abby!  :)

Abby loves to play with her books and often times, this is what her little book nook ends up looking like:

 She spotted the Pat the Bunny book- takin' after her daddy.  ;)
...she takes after her mommy a bit...  ;)

Here a couple pics of Napping Abby:
 Cozy Pacifier Naps
...and play 'til you pass out naps...

And here is Abby's new face that she is mastering:
 She makes this face often, completely out of context- and it never ceases to make people laugh :) 

And here a couple of Smiley Abby ;)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Today is a new day! :)

Abby finally started feeling better on Friday- and continued to improve all weekend long.  She has a cough still, and a runny nose, but she is pretty much herself again. :)  Over the weekend we got Abby out for a couple long walks on Saturday- it felt like spring this weekend!  And on Sunday, Abby attended her first clambake at the Masonic Hall in Lexington.  Our family friend, Marc, is a member of the Masons and we try to attend the clambake every year.  Abby had a great time- she loves being at social events.  Marc's daughter Jocelyn sang and played a song that she wrote herself at the end of the afternoon and Abby enjoyed that most of all- she clapped, laughed, and danced along to the song.  Abby is really musically drawn.  We're lucky (well, in so so so many ways, we're lucky.)

Today I took Abby to a check up- she's in the 75-80% for weight, 90-91% for height, and extremely advanced in her motor skills and really advanced in her communication skills. :)  I was feeling very good about Leif and I as parents when I left the appointment.

Our apartment currently looks as though a baby hurricane has gone through it- there are books and toys everywhere!  I suppose that's the best sign of a good weekend. :)  We really enjoyed spending time together as a family.   :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

A terrible, horrible, no good week. ;) :)

We had a tough week, and that's putting things lightly.  Abby has been very sick with a cold that has migrated south in to her chest.  The good news is we're finally seeing some improvement from the tough girl.  She has been more fussy as of late, has completely rejected the idea of eating solids, and has required an immense amount of cuddling, doting, and walks around the apartment to soothe her booboos.  We've had many sleepless nights and have had a tough time keeping up with everything but we live to tell the story!  :)

Amongst all of this discomfort- Abby has still managed to learn some new tricks.  She now makes this little attitude face.  She learned it from studying the "sad and crabby" faces in this book:Mrs. Mustard's Baby Faces.  It's darn cute.  Abby's standing more and more solidly- she can stand straight up and hold the pose indefinitely.  She's able to bend down, pick things up, and stand and wave with the items.  She's dancing!  She now rocks back and forth and dances, flicking her little wrists as she goes.  I'll try to get some footage when she's feeling better.  She's learning how to use a sippy cup- she just loves her sippy cup- and seems very proud when she's able to take a big sip from it.  Abby has been holding hands with someone at daycare- Lucas.  They were caught holding hands in the stroller last week- so cute!  Lucas has been Abby's best baby buddy in daycare.  :)  Abby's really enjoying her new classroom still- the babies are so busy!  We're just thrilled with her classroom- esp since both of her teachers are devout Red Sox fans.  ;)

We haven't taken many pictures, but here is one from last week that's cute. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A message to my Abby

When Abby was born, I started a journal full of her accomplishments, stats, etc and I vowed that I would write in it regularly so that she could look back on the journal someday.  I have epically failed to do this- and am upset that I haven't followed through- and then I remembered that I have this blog- and that someday she'll see this blog- and she'll learn all about us learning about her.  :)  So, this is a selfish entry to my dear daughter today- because there is always so much that I want her to know.  :)

Dear Little Miss Independent,

There are so many things that your dad and I learn daily about parenthood, about you, about ourselves, and about this wild world that we live in.  Here are a couple of things that have been on my mind lately.

When you were born, you needed us for everything- even to hold up your most perfect wee head.  We held you in our arms for hours, doted on your every need, and marveled at your amazing existence.  Today, you need us a little less.  We are so proud of your strength, your independence, and your determination to conquer the next developmental hurdle with record speed.  You never cease to amaze us, and you never will.  With every new milestone, we exude immense amounts of pride (and a little bit of sadness that you're needing us even a little less).  Thank you for miraculously sharing all of your firsts with us so far.  We know that this will not always be the case, but you've been very sensitive and accommodating thus far and we appreciate it.

Please forgive your silly mother for the nights that she picks you up while you're asleep in your crib, briefly wakes you from your slumber, and holds you on her chest for an hour or so.  There are never enough hours in the day and sometimes your mother just needs to be with you a little bit longer.

We have no idea what we're doing... but it seems to be working.  Parenthood is a lot of trial and error and we've had our accomplishments and failures (ask us if we ever made you a bed time playlist.  We had big aspirations...  but at this moment, you still do not have a bed time playlist- and you probably never will- and that's ok.)  You will find your groove as a mother, just like we've found our groove as parents, but if I ever try to tell you that I knew what I was doing, or that I did things right- just remind me of this fact- I'm currently still figuring things out- and I still will be when you remind me of this fact.

When I was pregnant with you- you had very specific hours to remind me of your existence.  When I could first feel you- the flutter of a butterfly back then- I always felt you move at 4PM on the dot; and when I was very uncomfortably pregnant with you, you liked to do gymnastics from 7-11PM each and every day.

You loved Ben Folds before you were born- you kicked every time a song of his was playing- or if he was talking.  You also loved Justin Beiber- your dad and I have chosen not to make a big deal out of this one...  ;)  The first song that I remember you showing appreciation for as a new born is Bruno Mars' Lazy Song- maybe this will embarrass you someday, but right now, that's still pretty cool.  You just love music- in all forms.

You had your first solids a day before your 6 month birthday- we couldn't wait any longer to see you try them.  You ate sweet potato and you hated it.  And come to think of it, I should mention that you will eat any fruit or vegetable that we put in front of you now- except green beans are a bit yucky- but you'll eat them too- almost all of them.  At 9 months, avocado is your favorite.

You slept as Dave Matthews looked down on you for the first few months that you slept in your crib.  I'm sure that not many children can claim the same.  If you inexplicably love or hate his music when you're older, you can blame it on the Dave Matthews poster that your mom and dad hung on the wall next to your crib.  Your parents are DMB nuts- and this was a bit over the top.  ;)

Predictions are that you will love roller coasters.  You just love to be tossed and swung around- this might sound dangerous but if you could see your smiling face, you'd do it too.  ;)

You are fearless- except when it comes to the vacuum cleaner.  Currently, there is nothing as scary as that vacuum cleaner.  Your kitty Orion must have taught you that.

You have made my life 1,000 times more better- and my life was wonderful before you- so thank you for adding so much more light, love, and laughter to an already wonderful existence.

Pick your battles.  You will never be the "perfect parent"- they do not actually exist.  Stick to what is important to you, and don't sweat the small stuff- this goes for most situations, if not all, in life.

You are, in fact, the most beautiful baby in the world.  Well, at least in our eyes you are.  :)

One of your biggest fans, Mom

Friday, January 13, 2012

The plague has hit the Dugan household... ;)

My friend Mark (father of triplets & a toddler- all boys- I don't know how he's doing it) warned me that when Abby gets sick, we'll all get sick.  I had no idea at that time just how often this would happen. ;)  Abby is certainly building up her immunity system- it's a healthy and good thing- but boy is it hitting us hard this winter!  Abby, Leif, and I are trying to recover from our second cold in 2 weeks right now- this one was a doozy- sore ears, head aches, stuffed noses, sore throats- absolutely no fun.  So I haven't been posting much as of late because I'm barely keeping up with the daily life routine that we've established.  :)  But!  I do have some new video and photos to share- and share I will! :)  Sometimes pictures speak louder than words- or videos for that matter- show Abby's personality more than I'd ever be able to describe.  She keeps us in stitches- and in constant motion.  Even when sick, her energy level is remarkable.  Here are some videos of Abby taken this past week.  She's adorable, right?  Yeah, we think so too.  ;)

If these videos are still sideways, check back later!  I edited them this morning but evidently it takes a long time for a video edit to save and take effect on youtube.  :)

This video is from New Year's Eve.  I just had to share it because Abby & Maraca = adorable.

Abby playing in her crib.  She just loves her mirror- that cute baby in the reflection is pretty funny and entertaining. ;)

Abby playing with some wrapping paper.  This video is my favorite- it just makes me giggle.  And there's a great cameo by none other than Sir Orion.  ;)

And Abby eating finger foods.  We've been giving her quartered blueberries, puffs, and yogurt melts as finger foods.  The girl loves to eat.  :)

And here is a cute little pic that Leif took of Abby goofing around in her diaper the other evening.  She is such a monkey.

I've also started a shutterfly share site that I'll upload all of our Abby pics to- it's a work in progress but is full of cute pics of our cutie and our adventures. :)  Here is the link!  The Dugan Zoo

Monday, January 9, 2012

She's almost fully mobile

Well us Dugans have been a busy bunch but we'd like to report that Abby is oh so close to walking (yikes!)  :)  She has been pulling herself up on anything in reach for a couple of weeks now.  She's also a brave little cutie who will now take her hands off of her props and stand up unassisted (if only for a few seconds before falling)  She's getting better and better at balancing herself and will be walking in no time.  She is strong, and cuter by the day, and chatty, funny, sweet, cuddly, adventurous, and amazing.  We are just so in love.

Mandy has been singing this song to Abby for a couple of weeks now:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7v2GDbEmjGE and Abby just loves it.  She's now able to sing "De do do do, de da da da" right back at ya. :)  She's tried the next line a couple of times but hasn't managed it yet. ;)  It is pretty darn cute to hear.

Abby loves music.  We get a couple of musical toys for Christmas- a musical table & a mozart music cube. She loves to play the music and dance to the beat.

Abby has transitioned to the Busy Bees classroom at daycare and she loves hanging out with these older babies who entertain well.  They are so cute, her teachers are absolutely wonderful, and Abby exhibits a great deal of excitement when we drop her off in the morning.  The Busy bee kids are for the most part all walking, waving a lot (as is Abby now) and interacting with each other.  We're so tickled with her new classroom (not that her old one is bad, but there is just so much excitement that one can extract from a sleeping baby...)

I promise to upload video soon and post it!  :)  We've just been so busy as of late.  :)

Sending love to all!!! :)

New pictures too!

 Abby and her finger foods- veggie puffs and yogurt melts. ;)

 Our silly New Year's Eve Baby- she made it up 'til 12:30AM!

Some No Hands action!  Proud of herself too ;)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year

I have so many pictures, videos, and stories to post about!  I took a much needed break from email and blogging and virtually anything having to do with computers during my vacation but promise to post all sorts of goodies soon!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)  Here's a pic of Abby to tide you over...  ;)