Monday, January 30, 2012

Today is a new day! :)

Abby finally started feeling better on Friday- and continued to improve all weekend long.  She has a cough still, and a runny nose, but she is pretty much herself again. :)  Over the weekend we got Abby out for a couple long walks on Saturday- it felt like spring this weekend!  And on Sunday, Abby attended her first clambake at the Masonic Hall in Lexington.  Our family friend, Marc, is a member of the Masons and we try to attend the clambake every year.  Abby had a great time- she loves being at social events.  Marc's daughter Jocelyn sang and played a song that she wrote herself at the end of the afternoon and Abby enjoyed that most of all- she clapped, laughed, and danced along to the song.  Abby is really musically drawn.  We're lucky (well, in so so so many ways, we're lucky.)

Today I took Abby to a check up- she's in the 75-80% for weight, 90-91% for height, and extremely advanced in her motor skills and really advanced in her communication skills. :)  I was feeling very good about Leif and I as parents when I left the appointment.

Our apartment currently looks as though a baby hurricane has gone through it- there are books and toys everywhere!  I suppose that's the best sign of a good weekend. :)  We really enjoyed spending time together as a family.   :)

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