Friday, January 27, 2012

A terrible, horrible, no good week. ;) :)

We had a tough week, and that's putting things lightly.  Abby has been very sick with a cold that has migrated south in to her chest.  The good news is we're finally seeing some improvement from the tough girl.  She has been more fussy as of late, has completely rejected the idea of eating solids, and has required an immense amount of cuddling, doting, and walks around the apartment to soothe her booboos.  We've had many sleepless nights and have had a tough time keeping up with everything but we live to tell the story!  :)

Amongst all of this discomfort- Abby has still managed to learn some new tricks.  She now makes this little attitude face.  She learned it from studying the "sad and crabby" faces in this book:Mrs. Mustard's Baby Faces.  It's darn cute.  Abby's standing more and more solidly- she can stand straight up and hold the pose indefinitely.  She's able to bend down, pick things up, and stand and wave with the items.  She's dancing!  She now rocks back and forth and dances, flicking her little wrists as she goes.  I'll try to get some footage when she's feeling better.  She's learning how to use a sippy cup- she just loves her sippy cup- and seems very proud when she's able to take a big sip from it.  Abby has been holding hands with someone at daycare- Lucas.  They were caught holding hands in the stroller last week- so cute!  Lucas has been Abby's best baby buddy in daycare.  :)  Abby's really enjoying her new classroom still- the babies are so busy!  We're just thrilled with her classroom- esp since both of her teachers are devout Red Sox fans.  ;)

We haven't taken many pictures, but here is one from last week that's cute. :)

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