Friday, January 13, 2012

The plague has hit the Dugan household... ;)

My friend Mark (father of triplets & a toddler- all boys- I don't know how he's doing it) warned me that when Abby gets sick, we'll all get sick.  I had no idea at that time just how often this would happen. ;)  Abby is certainly building up her immunity system- it's a healthy and good thing- but boy is it hitting us hard this winter!  Abby, Leif, and I are trying to recover from our second cold in 2 weeks right now- this one was a doozy- sore ears, head aches, stuffed noses, sore throats- absolutely no fun.  So I haven't been posting much as of late because I'm barely keeping up with the daily life routine that we've established.  :)  But!  I do have some new video and photos to share- and share I will! :)  Sometimes pictures speak louder than words- or videos for that matter- show Abby's personality more than I'd ever be able to describe.  She keeps us in stitches- and in constant motion.  Even when sick, her energy level is remarkable.  Here are some videos of Abby taken this past week.  She's adorable, right?  Yeah, we think so too.  ;)

If these videos are still sideways, check back later!  I edited them this morning but evidently it takes a long time for a video edit to save and take effect on youtube.  :)

This video is from New Year's Eve.  I just had to share it because Abby & Maraca = adorable.

Abby playing in her crib.  She just loves her mirror- that cute baby in the reflection is pretty funny and entertaining. ;)

Abby playing with some wrapping paper.  This video is my favorite- it just makes me giggle.  And there's a great cameo by none other than Sir Orion.  ;)

And Abby eating finger foods.  We've been giving her quartered blueberries, puffs, and yogurt melts as finger foods.  The girl loves to eat.  :)

And here is a cute little pic that Leif took of Abby goofing around in her diaper the other evening.  She is such a monkey.

I've also started a shutterfly share site that I'll upload all of our Abby pics to- it's a work in progress but is full of cute pics of our cutie and our adventures. :)  Here is the link!  The Dugan Zoo

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