Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hand, Foot & Mouth and Anastasia State Park in FL

Abby is in the process of conquering yet another illness- hand, foot & mouth disease.  She came down with a high fever on Sunday and was really fussy from muscle aches which lasted about a day and a half.  She was drooling excessively and had a hard time with her solids.  I started noticing a couple blisters on her on Tuesday and brought her in to the doctor's office on Wednesday where it was confirmed that she has hand, foot & mouth disease- it's been going around the daycare center and is quite common.  Abby's throat is still hurting her now- there are two large sores on her throat- and she has blisters on her face, hands, and feet but she is such a trooper!  The doctor said that it was best to keep her out of daycare for the week as she is still contagious and we don't want to continue the spread of this nuisance!

Last weekend while shopping we came across a kitchen set that Abby went gaga for- I've never seen her react this way to a toy before!  It was on clearance and I just couldn't resist...  she's been playing with it a lot this week- practicing her cooking skills at such an early age!  ;)  It plays music, has a series of lights, and  plenty of things for her to examine.  I'll see if I can get a video of her playing with it at some point soon! :)

Abby tried fish for the first time while we were in Florida and absolutely loved it!  We've since given her plenty of it and it's still a big hit. :)  We've also been supplementing whole milk in her bottles for a couple weeks now and it's been a hit- a little at first and more and more as time goes.  She's digesting it well and I am excited to bid adieu to my pump for a while...  :)  She should be fully weaned by her first birthday- next weekend! :)

Speaking of Abby's first birthday- we're planning on celebrating her actual birthday at Woodman's for some fried seafood with the family.  We've taken Abby there many times in the past year so it seemed like a fitting place to celebrate! :)  I'm looking forward to baking her first birthday cake.  :)  We're also throwing an actual party for Abby the weekend after her birthday at a local play space with some friends and family and some cutie kids- some Abby's age, and some a bit older.  It should be fun to watch them all playing- we are especially thankful for the toddler room for our younger guests. ;)

Here are some more pictures from our Florida trip as well!  I've decided to post our beach pictures because they don't require much explanation ;) :)  We spent a day at Anastasia State Park in St Augustine, Florida.  They have a BEAUTIFUL beach and park where we enjoyed the sun, water, and excellent company.  :)  Here are some pictures! :)  Abby loved the beach- loved playing in the water- loved the waves crashing in to her, loved playing in the sand, and especially loved the sea gulls.  She tried eating the sand once, didn't think it was very tasty, and didn't try it again.  ;)  We really enjoyed our beach time and this day is absolutely my favorite day spent with Leif and Abby so far.  :)  Everything about it was perfect- including dinner at a local Mexican restaurant afterwards where the owner came out and serenaded us with his guitar and Abby danced.  It was all just oh so perfect. :)

 Abby trying the sand.  ;)
 When the first wave crashed, Abby was a bit scared, but loved it immediately following that initial shock ;)

 The gorgeous beach. :)

 Abby's clown tent :)  It made the perfect sun shelter ;)

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