Thursday, August 4, 2011

4 month check up

Little Miss Abby had her 4-month check up this morning.  It's hard to believe that she'll be 4 months old on Sunday.  Abby is doing phenomenally.  She's weighing in at 16 lbs and is 26.5 inches long- she's in the 85th percentile for both weight and height.  The doctor commented that smiling comes very easily to Abby.  :)  The doctor also said that her eye focus is great and she's very strong and sturdy.  She even showed off a bit of her tummy time for him.  She has excellent head control.  In Dr Andonian's own words, "I give both momma and baby an A+" (mama got an A+ for being able to stick to strictly breast milk even though she's been back to work for a month- it has been tough so that was nice to hear)  :)

Leif and I have been given the green light to start solids once Abby is showing us that the milk isn't cutting it.  He's hoping that we'll be able to wait until 5 or 6 months and right now that seems very possible.  When little Miss Abby does start on solids, she'll be trying out rice cereal and orange veggies (carrots, squash and sweet potato).  Leif and I can't wait to start feeding her new foods and documenting the reactions! :)

Here is a pic of Abby from last night- napping on her mama :)

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