Monday, August 1, 2011

Mini Vacation

Leif, Abby, and I took a mini vacation this past weekend and headed up north to Lake Winnipesaukee!  It was a wonderful getaway- and much needed!  The adjustment of going back to work has been difficult for me and Leif and this past weekend was a great escape.  We stayed in Alton Bay, right on the water.  Leif and I took Abby swimming and she loved it yet again.  She loved it so much, in fact, that she fell asleep in her float at one point!  As soon as I upload the videos from this weekend, I'll share Abby's aquatic slumber with all- it was a priceless moment. :)  We arrived Friday night in the thick of rain and Abby didn't even whine as we carried her as quickly as possible to our hotel room!  Saturday morning we woke up and put our bathing suits on and spent a good deal of the day in the water.  We went in to town for a nice dinner on a deck on the water.  Abby was so good through the entire meal.  We returned to the hotel and spent the evening on the dock, watching the sun set and listening to the waves crash on the rocks.  Abby didn't mind the change of scenery one bit.  On Sunday we headed back home and were able to meet up with my cousin Jeff for a family BBQ dinner. :) Jeff lives in Georgia with his wife, Val.  He is in the military and was granted this time off at the last minute so we felt very fortunate to have seen him!  My aunt Robin, uncle Dick, and cousin Jared, Mandy, and Matt all joined us and Abby just loved my aunt Robin.  Tomorrow I'm bringing Abby to my favorite Sushi restaurant to meet my dear friend Sophie.  I suspect that it will be love at first sight for Abby and Sophie. :)

Being back to work full time has been such an adjustment for me and Leif.  We miss being able to spend our days with our daughter but it has made our free time with Abby so priceless.

In more Abby news, the girl is definitely teething a bit.  She is so good natured though and is still so pleasant to be around :)  She has some new teethers including her giraffe named Sophie.  She just loves to chew on the legs. :)  Abby has recently learned how to scream loudly too and has been testing out those lungs of hers.  It's an excited scream rather than a fussy scream though.  She's smiling and laughing and talking up a storm!  The other day she sat straight up in her sleeper.  I can't tell if the sleeper was on a bit of an incline that made it more easy for her to sit up but regardless, she's getting strong!  She can also nearly roll over and holds her head so high during tummy time.  She's grasping with her adorable little fingers and is becoming more and more coordinated.

We are just in love love love with our little girl. :)

Here is a pic of Abby and her new tugboat toy that my coworker Tony got for her :)

Abby on the dock :)

Sunset on the lake :)

Abby and Sophie :)

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