Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Little Miss Abby begins Daycare tomorrow.  Leif and I are feeling a bit sad about having to put Abby in daycare but we know that the social interaction will be good for Abby and we really like the center.  Abby has shown a great interest in other babies (and her baby dolls as well) so hanging with the other babies will be fun for the little social butterfly.  Abby is the only girl in her center so she has her pick of the litter. ;)  I worked in daycare while going to school at UNH and had such a wonderful experience with the center.  Abby's daycare center very much reminds me of the CSDC on UNH's campus.  She'll be learning sign language and spanish as well!

We've started teaching Abby sign language at home- only two signs so far- "eat" and "milk".  Abby seems to recognize the signs.  She smiles as we sign them to her (eating is definitely one of her favorite things to do right now) ;)  As soon as we feel that she truly understands what we're signing, we'll introduce more words to her vocabulary, like "more" and "hurt".

We are about to go through quite a lifestyle change- we've been so fortunate to have both grandmas watching Abby while we work.  I'm sure we'll adjust to this new schedule and routine just fine.  Abby is such an easy-going baby who can be passed from person to person without fuss.  :)

Here is a pic in Abby's new purple tutu.  I never thought that I'd be the type of person to buy my daughter a tutu but alas, I surprise myself. ;)

Sending oodles of love to all!

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