Monday, September 12, 2011

Abby's Baptism- the pictures! :)

Hi all,
Here are some pictures and the video from Abby's baptism yesterday.  She was baptized by Leigh Dry, the new minister at our church.  Her baptism occurred after the children's moment so all of the children of the church were seated around her as she was baptized.  The ceremony was precious, Abby didn't cry when the Holy water was applied to her little forehead, and the congregation sang, Abby, Abby, God claims you, God helps you, protects you and loves you too”
After the baptism, we all met at Horn Pond in Woburn for a family picnic.  We had a cake for Nanie and enjoyed the beautiful weather, wonderful company, relaxing scenery, and even some yard sports!  :)  Side note- my dad lost each and every game of Bocce Ball and swears that the entire family cheats at the game. ;)

You can watch the video of her baptism at:

Here are some pictures from the ceremony and picnic :) 

Revered Dry, Leif, Me, Abby & Abby's Godmother Mandy (my sister)

Abby being handed to the Minister. :)

The minister walking Abby around the front of the church as the congregation sings to her

My mom and Abby
Nanie and Abby

And the family picnic!
Abby and cousin Mikey

Auntie E and Abby

 The boys- my dad, Uncle Dave & Leif
 Dad and Abby

 Leif's mom and Abby :)

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