Thursday, September 15, 2011

Baby Sign Language

When I worked for the Child Study and Development Center on UNH's campus, we started teaching sign language to the children before they could speak.  From the infant room and on up, the children were taught sign language to express their needs and it had amazing results.  Leif and I have introduced a couple of signs to Abby- the signs "eat" and "milk".  This morning Abby signed "eat" to me as I was changing her.  At first I thought that it couldn't be what she was doing, she was using both hands instead of one so perhaps it was just a coincidence, but she kept doing the sign over and over again and just to drive home the point, she started smacking her lips together to show me that she was hungry.  I was even able to get it on video (which made me late for work...  woops!) so I'll add it to this blog entry tonight when I get home. :)  Now that Abby has shown us a sign, we can introduce a few more words to her vocabulary- I think "kitty" might need to be next. ;)  Abby continues to astound us daily. :)  She is also sleeping in her crib at night with no problem.  She sleeps through the night and it is amazing.  I even have to wake her up in the morning to get her ready for daycare! :)

While dropping Abby off at daycare this morning, I talked with one of Abby's teachers.  She is amazed by the amount of energy housed in little Abby.  When they put her on the ground for tummy time- she is all over the place!  They also said that she's not much of a napper (which we've definitely noticed) she generally only naps when she is exhausted.  She loves to play with and watch the other babies and only cries when she is hungry.

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