Monday, September 26, 2011

Life Balance

Well another Monday has arrived.  I cry each and every Monday when I leave for work because I hate to leave little Miss Abby.  This morning Abby was alert and lying on her daddy's tummy, looking up at me with a smile as I left for work.  No offense, Harvard, but you're not nearly as cute or lovable as my daughter. :)

Leif and I are finding our groove as working parents- somehow we finish our chores weekly and still spend plenty of time cuddling and playing with Abby. :)  What is most precious is our weekends.  We have so many wonderful adventures planned for the next string of weekends- it helps us get through the week to anticipate our free time. :)

Yesterday we took Abby out for a walk to the grocery store down the street.  She just loves being outside- she sat so calmly in her stroller taking in the sights and didn't fall asleep until the very end of our walk.  She liked the grocery store a lot too- all of the different colors and people to look at- and Leif loved the attention that he received while pushing around an adorable baby.  We also learned how wonderful it is to have a stroller with some storage room to stash all of the groceries! :)

This weekend we're taking Abby back to the lake.  It's been a couple of months now since we've been to the lake and we miss it dearly.  The breeze off of the lake whips right through the cabin and puts everyone at ease.  Abby just loves it there- she loves sitting out on the deck and staring up at the leaves of the trees blowing in the wind.  She loves walking down to the beach and staring at the rippled water.  Leif bought fireworks for the weekend too and she really really enjoys staring up at the sky and watching each one burst- she doesn't even mind the noise that they make. :)

This weekend we're also venturing out to the Big E fair in West Springfield.  This is the mother of all fairs- with a daily Mardi Gras parade that storms through the grounds, celebrity musical acts, and a huge display of farm life.  Abby hasn't seen any large animals yet- just her beloved kitties and puppies- so it should be interesting to see her reaction to these larger creatures. :)

This is our favorite time of year- the time for apple picking, pumpkin carving, outdoor fires, mulled cider, leaf peeping, and long evening strolls in the cooler temperatures.  When we feel tired, overwhelmed, or bitter with work, we try to remember the fun that is just around the corner. :)

New eye candy:

 Abby and Auntie

 Abby playing :)

Abby napping :)

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