Friday, September 23, 2011

No naps = extra outdoor time ;)

Miss Abby is a notoriously bad napper.  According to her teachers at daycare, she quite often is the only baby awake in the room.  This ability to avoid napping has granted her access to the "cool kids club" aka- the older infant room.  She is often hanging out with these older babies and is always taken along on their walks which is a bonus for Miss Abby since she so loves being outdoors.  :)  These older babies are more interactive as well and I'm sure Abby is enjoying their company.

We just received Abby's portraits- imagine that!  Her first school pictures at 5.5 months of age! :)  They came out really nice too- she definitely knows how to work a camera. :)  Will scan them soon and get them up on this site! :)

Abby is signing the word "eat" more and more- it occurs daily now and we're so tickled by it! :)  She is an absolute bundle of energy and a joy to be around.  She's laughing more and more and reaches her adorable hands out at everything these days.  Orion is taking well to having his fur pulled out daily.  He is such a mild mannered and loving pet.  Abby just adores him as well.

In 2 weeks or so we're planning on starting solids!  We've been holding off until 6 months because babies are less likely to develop food allergies if on a completely breast milk (or formula for that matter) diet for the first 6 months of their life.  Abby shows an immense amount of interest in the foods that we eat around her so we're anticipating a smooth transition when solids are introduced.  The pediatrician has asked us to start with orange veggies and rice cereal.  She'll be trying one veggie at a time and will eat it for 5 days before trying another- that way we'll know if any foods give her troubles.

She is growing up so quickly.  It's hard to believe.  We are so in love with our little Abby. :)

Here is Abby in her pumpkin coat that her Auntie Mandy got for her :) :)

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