Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Red Sox Game!

Abby attended her first Red Sox game on Sunday 9/4.  The Sox played against the Texas Rangers (who are red hot and first in their division) and Lackey pitched for the Red Sox.  Leif, Abby, and I sat up in the State Street Pavilion Box seats- they have a wonderful view of the field and much less of a line to the bathrooms and hot dogs.  ;)  Abby was really excited when we first made it to our seats- she enjoyed looking at all of the people around her and staring at the beautiful park.  The Red Sox did not have a good day though, and fans were quite vocal about this (as they always are at Fenway Park).  Abby became a little bit overwhelmed by the fans around her for a spell and we retreated to the refreshment area to give her a bottle.  Eating always makes everything alright in Abby's world. ;)  While I wish we could say that the Red Sox won, they ended up losing 11-4.  Abby received her first lesson in Red Sox fandom early in her life- sometimes, they'll break your heart.  ;)

We did get to see Wally the Green Monster run by (though he was too busy to stop for a picture- tisk tisk, Wally!)

Abby even took a nap around the 5th inning or so and slept up until we left the game a little early to beat the crowd out of the park.  We imagine that she looked at the scoreboard, realized that we weren't going to win the game, and decided that a nap would be ok.  ;)  She received a lot of oooo's and ahhhhh's as we walked around the park and looked darn cute in her Red Sox hat.  She had been wearing a cute Red Sox princess pink onesie that our friend and fellow baseball enthusiast Bill Chapman had given to her before she was even born but unfortunately the onesie was soiled before we made it through the gates.  :)

Here is a picture of Miss Abby and I at the game:

Here is our video footage :)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8tIx0WFZ_E

Tomorrow is picture day at Abby's daycare center.  I picked out her outfit for her school pictures this morning and we can't wait to see how they come out!  :)  Things like school picture day really remind us that we are indeed parents. :) ;)

Abby is smiling up a storm, can basically sit up by herself now (she can do it perfectly in her sleeper, that's for sure!) and is showing off her vocals like crazy.  She is still madly in love with her kitty and was also in a long fit of laughter last night that just warmed us to the core.  :)  We are so in love. :)

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